Rakhi with coconut barfi / नारळाच्या वड्या

Raksha bandhan is round the corner so what sweet are you making? ? Well in Maharashtra rakhi is associated to coconut sweets as this day is also called as "नारळी पूर्णिमा". So it's considered auspicious to make नारळ or नारियल or coconut sweet that day. Known as नारियल बर्फी or नारळाच्या वड्या in Maharashtra Sharing my mom's simple recipe of nariyal barfi/ नारियल बर्फी or नारळाच्या वड्या Ingredients 1 coconut grated 2 cups sugar 2 cups milk if you have mava or khoya then reduce milk and increase khoya If milk or khoya both are unavailable we can use milkmaid tin also by decreasing sugar as milkmaid is already sweet. Method Heat desk ghee or clarified butter a spoonful in pan and add grated wet coconut to it. Roast properly till it's milk is reduced. Add milk/ khoya/ milkmaid to it with sugar. Keep stiring continously till reduced to thick paste. Add cardamom powder before switching off gas. Once warm spread on greased steel plate abd cut in desired shapes. Enj...